Get ready to unleash your inner artist at Birmingham Cathedral Easter Club! You’ll be crafting dazzling, stained glass-style creations, surrounded by the awe-inspiring sights of our historic Cathedral. This is no ordinary holiday hangout – it’s an unforgettable, artsy adventure that you won’t want to miss!
We are running three sessions for children aged 7-11, from the 3 – 5 April 2024, from 1000 – 1500. It will take place at Birmingham Cathedral, both inside and outside (weather permitting). All supplies will be provided by us.
This is a free club run by Birmingham Cathedral, and lunch will be provided for the children. As it is free, we ask that if you cannot make it, you let us know as soon as possible so we can offer your space to another child.
If you would like to register your child, please fill in the form below. Please note that we are only able to offer one session per child, and that your booking is not confirmed until you receive an email from Birmingham Cathedral.